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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lottery winners forced to flee their home

Couple from Largs, Ayrshire joined the UK's rich list when they scooped the £161 million prize on Tuesday.
They made the surprising decision to go public about their success and while many people were pleased the money had gone to such a down to earth couple, others saw it as an opportunity.
Begging letters have already started to arrive at their home and hundreds more are on the way.
Their postman told the Mail on Sunday: 'The begging letters have already started coming. I delivered a pile of them today.

But there are many more piled up at the sorting office. They are just addressed to "The Weirs" and the manager is deciding whether to deliver them.'
The letters, together with fears their home may be besieged by people hoping to get their hands on some of the cash, have apparently prompted the Weirs to go into hiding in Spain.
Neighbour David Simpson said he couldn't understand why they had gone public with news of their windfall.
'It's hard to imagine they'll be able to stay here now everyone knows they've got £161 million in the bank. They will be pestered to death,' said Mr Simpson.

They decided to publicly reveal their identity so they would not be forced to lie to friends and family.

Neighbours in the town of Largs say the Weirs are "nice people" but don't understand why they went public.

"It's hard to imagine they'll be able to stay here now everyone knows they've got £161m in the bank. They will be pestered to death," neighbour David Simpson said.

"No one would have known if they'd kept it quiet. Why let the cat out of the bag?"

The couple, who have two children aged 24 and 22, plan on having "so much fun" with the money — Mr Weir hopes to buy a private box at Barcelona's football stadium and Mrs Weir hopes to go travelling and fly "at least business class".

Neighbours described their only hobby as "takeaways," as they frequent the local fish and chip shop three times a week.

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