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Sunday, June 12, 2016

Bill Clinton 1st first gentleman

Bill Clinton 1st first gentleman

If Hillary Clinton is elected President in 2016, there will be 2 President Clintons in the United States. Bill Clinton has joked about being called the "First Man" or "First Dude."
Many people think he will be called the "First Gentleman." I just can't see it. Bill Clinton is many things, but somehow GENTLEMAN doesn't fit.

Friends of Bill say in the book that the former president with the wandering eye 'dreaded' the idea of going back to the White House in 2017 because he would be 'trapped' there, leashed, without room for his libido to run or any meaningful say in government policy.
He would also find his wings clipped – literally losing his ability to jet-set and entertain celebrities nonstop in exotic locales between $750,000 speaking engagements.
'Why would he want to be the first spouse?' a Clinton confidant told Halper.
'What's he going to do? Live back in the White House and do the Christmas cards?'
Officially, according to presidential scholars and historians, the wily and philandering former president would be known as America's 'first gentleman' – a line ready-made for late night comics.

1 comment:

  1. 1st First Gentleman Life

    Bill Clinton Campaigning for Hillary

    Clinton has continued to be a force behind his foundation,
    which has overseen the distribution of millions of dollars
    from corporations, governments and individuals to globally-minded
    charitable works. The organization has dealt with issues ranging
    from providing increased access to HIV/AIDS medications to
    reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
