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Sunday, July 17, 2011

British soldier shot dead in Helmand

Pulling British troops out prematurely from Afghanistan could "dangerously weaken" remaining forces, MPs have warned.

In a report, the Commons Defence Committee said David Cameron's plan to withdraw by the end of 2014 could undermine the international coalition's strategy.

Speaking to the BBC, committee chair James Arbuthnot said the military had "failed to give the proper advice that was needed to politicians" over UK action in Afghanistan.

Investigations are underway into reports the soldier was shot by a member of the Afghan National Army.
Task Force Helmand spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel Tim Purbrick, said: "A report that the fatal gunshot was fired by an Afghan National Army soldier is now the subject of a joint International Security Assistance Force and Afghan National Security Force investigation.
"Our thoughts and prayers are with the soldier's family and friends."
The death brings the total number of British forces killed in action in Afghanistan to 332.

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